If you yearn to have a little bit of Raquel on your shelf there are a number of model kits inspired by the film. This first one is unusual in that it really is "inspired by". In the actual film it is the John Richardson character that spears the Allosaurus in this pose. The modelmakers have decided that the model would sell better (rightly) if they used a cavegirl in a fur bikini instead. She certainly looks fit enough to take on an Allosaurus!

Here is another model taking a cavegirl and dinosaur theme. Her outfit is not so obviously based on Raquel's, though. Lovely painting on this example.
This model recreates the famous Pterodactyl kidnap. Oddly, the figure of the girl looks exactly like the stop-motion dollies that Ray Harryhausen used to make when needing human figures to interact with his monsters. They always used to kick their little legs a lot to demonstrate that they weren't a model (which of course, they were). You can buy it here,
This one tries to capture the famous pose and even has an attempt at Raquel's fine boned face. The painting of this model lets down the effect, however, more golden tans would have helped a lot.

This one, by Andrea Miniatures from Spain gets the colours down better and the model itself does a better job of capturing Raquel's unique physique. Again, the face isn't brilliant and it even looks like they have downsized her bust - not what you would usually expect on a miniature like this!

This one is the best attempt to get the pose, the physique and the face. Here are versions by two different painters. Neither captures Raquel's face really but it's the closest. Her bust looks right as well. If I had to buy one I think I would go for the Andrea miniatures one as the best interpretation. It's an 80mm white metal figure and your skin tone painting would have to be spot on!

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